Post by SirJonkbeen looking, but can't find what "A Crow Left of the Murder" means,
either as the title or in the song. I'm not good at symbolism
interpretations, hated Old Man and the Sea and crap like that. Any
ideas or guesses or anyone read what it means somewhere?
Ok, im good with metaphors and symbolism, plus im also interested in
the phoney politics that media-idoru spew.
Let us dissect:
1. A murder is what you call a group of Crows, simple.
2. A crow (implying a singular unit) that is "left" of the murder.
3. "left" implying someone who is more liberal than the center.
4. Checking the "Incubus" website ( I read up on the
band, turns out the lead singer is a liberal.
In conclusion:
Boyd, the lead singer, is a liberal.
The track "Megalomaniac" and the subsequent music video compare G.W.
Bush to Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin. The iconography in the music
video implies G.W. Bush has protestors beaten, that the war is about
Oil, that he uses the Bible to cover his actions, that hes a ruthless
and vicious dictator.
My opinion:
Lemme guess, Boyd thinks Iraqis like being thrown off buildings? We
have all seen the pictures of dead Kurdish children and practically
tasted the poison gas Hussein used on them, you could hear the cries
in the video of those about to be thrown off buildings, you could even
practically touch the mass graves....
And he thinks Bush should step down.
I think Boyd needs a reality check.